Praise to our youth

Youth Week, availing opportunities for the views of youth in which they are inspired and motivated  to occupy centre stage, is a jolly good time to take a look in the ‘rear vision mirror’.
Recognising the parallels and differences in the status quo, the applause for the pacing of endeavours and winning goals resounds admirably.
It isn’t difficult to see the mighty escalation of opportunities; nor the awful life-threatening shades to many challenges, which threaten dear ones!
In the ‘rear vision’, more churches can be seen, and the Biblical, a strong pace-setter in the harmony of family well-being!
Intriguing to youthful explorers and adventurers, and reassuring to the rear visioners, are such scriptural accounts – of David, Solomon – and Jesus himself!
David – though “but a youth” going forth “in the name of the Lord” with but a sling and a stone, toppled the giant Goliath’s threats, whereby the whole of Israel was rescued: 1st Samuel 17:33
“I am but a little child”, in humility Solomon confessed, when he became king – and simply asked God for “an understanding heart”, so “The wisdom of God” was seen in him: 1st Kings 3:7.
A long way from deeming his actions, disobedient or disrespectful, “Jesus when he was 12 years old” intent only on his “Father’s  business” was utterly dismayed, when his anxious parents eventually found him, unperturbed, back in Jerusalem: Luke 2:42
The successes and enthusiasms of youth unhindered and unrestricted by worldly perceptions – are always worthy of distinct praise. Cheers!

Eunice Marsden,