Environment educator visits


RENOWNED environmental educator, Allan Savory, has spent the past 50 years working on ideas that have won international prizes.

Mr Savory is a previous biologist and rancher who has developed an obsession with the world’s vast grasslands, which make up 60 per cent of the planet’s landmass.
This internationally experienced rancher is gaining traction with his idea that strategically managed herds of livestock are humanity’s best chance of stopping and reversing the desertification of grasslands – and at the same time, making profits and a substantial contribution to the halting of climate change.
Mr Savory’s investigation’s and solution earned him the 2010 Buckminster Fuller Challenge for solutions to intractable problems.
In 2003, Mr Savory won the Australian Banksia Award – National Prize for Environmental management.
This concept, and how his ideas have been implemented across the world, will be discussed by Allan Savory in a series of talks including a Field day and Paddock Walk at Cunningham Hall, Warwick, on Saturday, 3 August.

So what is on the agenda for the day at Cunningham Hall-
The 3 August field day is your chance to:
– Identify the root cause of environmental problems you are having-weeds/erosion;
– Talk to people who have benefited from changes with holistic Grazing planning;
– Hear about growing and managing better grasses, increasing carrying capacity;
– Discuss the reality of climate change and ways to manage it;
– Get invigorated by refreshing, practical and profitable management; and
– Walk and talk in the Paddock with Allan to learn what indicators to look for for improving soil carbon. Where is your pasture/ soil heading?
Register for this 3 August event with Landcare catherine@ddrlandcare.org
Registration forms: www.hmeducators.com.au/news