Major works progressing at Cunningham’s Gap

Major works are progressing at Cunningham’s Gap to repair damage from road pavement subsidence and landslips caused by extreme wet weather over the 2010/2011 holiday period.
Emergency works are now complete at two of 11 damaged sites. The completed sites are located west of the truck stop bay and west of the stockpile site (east of the helipad).
Extensive works are required at eight remaining sites to stabilise the road. One additional site is showing early signs of damage and is being monitored. In addition, work to stabilise the rock face above the highway is continuing.
These works are essential to the safety of Cunningham Highway road users.
The Cunningham Highway remains under stop/go traffic conditions from the top of the Gap to Fig Tree Gully. Motorists can expect delays when travelling through the Gap.
Restrictions are in place on vehicles over 3.5m wide between the helipad and the Gap. These vehicles are encouraged to take alternate routes while the restoration works are carried out.
Please call 13 19 40 for updates about what restrictions are in place.
The major restoration
program will take many months to complete. The department is committed to maintaining safe access and finding permanent solutions that should see a stable road surface at the Gap for many years to come.