We can’t wait for another tragedy to occur: Scott

Friday’s delegation to the Eight Mile intersection all reached the same conclusion: something needed to be done now before the intersection claimed another life.
Leader of the Nationals and Shadow Transport Minister Warren Truss, Federal Member for Maranoa Bruce Scott, State Member for Southern Downs Lawrence Springborg, Southern Downs Regional Mayor Ron Bellingham and Warwick Chamber of Commerce president David Littleproud all believed warning signs would improve the intersection until an overpass could be built.
Mr Truss said Federal Government funding had already been allocated right up to 2015 so any money for an overpass at the Eight Mile would most likely only be available after this time.
“We are developing projects now so, when money becomes available after 2015, we will be ready to go,” he said.
“It’s clear that the intersection is an unusual one. It’s an accident waiting to happen.”
Mr Scott said, with more than 1000 trucks a day coming through the Eight Mile intersection, action needed to be taken now to improve the intersection.
“The solution is an overpass but, while we wait for an overpass, we need to make it safer now with better signage,” he said.
“We can’t wait for another tragedy to occur.”
Mr Springborg said the recent upgrades at the Eight Mile were not a proper solution. He has had a near-miss with a truck at the ‘dangerous’ intersection.
“It’s a spaghetti maze of confusion. Even if you regularly use that road, it’s still totally confusing,” Mr Springborg said.
He said the suggestion of a roundabout similar to Goondiwindi wasn’t feasible as a result of the uneven land at the Eight Mile.
Mr Littleproud said an overpass was definitely the way to go, but warning signs prior to the intersection were required.
Cr Bellingham said a design had already been completed for an overpass.
“An overpass is the only feasible solution to take the danger out of the intersection,” he said.