Chamber vows to pressure Truss for Cunningham’s Gap solution

The Warwick Chamber of Commerce has vowed to continue pressuring the Leader of the Nationals until a study into the feasible options for Cunningham’s Gap is completed.
Chamber president David Littleproud made this guarantee during Leader of the Nationals and Shadow Transport Minister Warren Truss’ visit to Warwick on Friday.
Mr Littleproud said it was the optimum time for the Opposition to push for funding to complete the study, taking into consideration the current political climate.
Mr Truss said he understood the importance of having access through Cunningham’s Gap readily available so motorists could travel without delay between the Southern Downs and Brisbane.
He said a relatively low cost study could be done to assess options like a tunnel or an alternative route through Spicer’s Gap.
However, he said, a tunnel would not be immune to flooding issues, which caused the recent problems at Cunningham’s Gap.
Federal Member for Maranoa Bruce Scott commended the current works at Cunningham’s
Gap but felt that further protection from falling rocks was needed.
“We’re in the process of developing our policies now. I’ll be putting the Eight Mile, Cunningham’s Gap and Spicer’s Gap down,” Mr Scott said.
State Member for Southern Downs Lawrence Springborg said the current works would improve Cunningham’s Gap but more money was needed on other crossings like Spicer’s Gap.
“We need to be absolutely sure that this is the solution that will stand the test of time,” Mr Springborg said.
Southern Downs Regional Mayor Ron Bellingham said he was very pleased with the current works at the Gap but was not confident that it could handle another significant rain event.
Cr Bellingham said he wanted assurance that there would not be another incident.