Confusing intersection

With many others I’d like to contribute something of my thinking re this very dangerous intersection. Thank you for the opportunity.
Even while the redo was taking place there, we could see problems unfolding. We live at Maryvale and use the Toowoomba exit regularly. There is generally confusion at the intersection re who turns when. We want to turn right to Allora and they are turning right to Warwick. A policeman told me it was give way to the right when this situation occurs, but 80 per cent of people don’t realise this; we call them on and then they call us on? Two stop signs are crazy in that case.
While traffic is turning across a lane there are huge problems; why didn’t Main Roads put in a big roundabout; I know there are still issues but not the dangers as is current?
There is too much to think about while one is sitting waiting. We have a problem I noticed recently when we came to the stop sign, another car in front of us stopped and then turned right to Allora; we were concentrating because we needed to look left to check on traffic coming down the hill and watching any other traffic coming from Allora before we moved. Lights are now needed, a drastic transformation is essential; having to cross over this lane with B-doubles coming down at 80 kilometres an hr is very risky and foolish. I truly pray we might see a change real soon. The head people said they would leave things as they were and observe its workings. How many more lives will be lost before we rectify this awful problem?

David and Julie McFetridge,