Gradual escalation in hot water costs

Those of us who remember when a hot bath depended upon water heated on the kitchen stove or the magical chip heater had arrived, wonder why the electrical hot water system has suddenly become public enemy number one. To unravel the propaganda was easy. Records kept since 1992 were startling in that my household was one person’s experience of unbroken power usage. The same hot water system which had required no maintenance in the years 1992 to 2010, cost as follows.
1993 $60 or $5 a month annually
2000 $97 or $8 a month annually
•    2005 $112 or $8.50 a month annually
•    2006 $120 or $10 a month annually
•    2007 $126 or $10.50 a month annually
•    2008 $149 or $12.50 a month annually
•    2009 $155 or $13 a month annually
•    2010 $182 or $15 a month annually
These approximations are the story of power companies attempting to influence people to accept a new ideology uncritically, such as a carbon tax I believe. The gradual escalation was in their tariffs not in usage. However, their constant castigation of electric hot water systems has fired up new industry and new government enforcements, sweetened by so-called free handouts. In Queensland, electrical hot water systems can still be replaced into existing (not new) buildings until 2012 under the current legislations.
Melba Morris,