Carbon taxes – who pays? who benefits?

Prime Minister Gillard has embarrassed Australia after her address to the US Congress, when she smugly announced  her government was adopting measures to curb global warming. To tax carbon emissions.  If she’d done her homework she’d know America has no intention of introducing this useless tax, nor do India and China.
The Australian public deserve to question the credibility of the Federal government on this issue. Should this legislation be passed, how will it impact on our lives overall? Why should Australia become a lifesaver for those carbon trading investors overseas whose carbon permits have been devalued from $100 a tonne to $10 per tonne.
Announcing her turnaround on carbon taxing since the election she now says with confidence,  ‘If you tax something, people will use less of it’(?)  – Antoinette questioned (before she was guillotined) ‘Why don’t they eat cake?’  Ignorant of the social needs of her populace.
I doubt if Ms Gillard is educated enough to understand what drove the 18th Century ‘South Sea Bubble’ that nearly sent Britain broke.  Well she is near to creating a 21st  Century Carbon bubble!
Is AGW a fraud? – Many qualified scientists/experts around the globe  have successfully challenged the IPCC science and their hidden political agendas.  But of course, they haven’t been paid billions to prove AGW controls our climate and weather.
Many of these scientists feel these AGW conspirators are  guilty of a crime against humanity for willfully perpetrating a fraud they are financially benefitting from.
Taxing carbon emissions will do nothing to change our global climate. Because CO2 doesn’t drive our climate or weather.  It’s like throwing a sugar cube into Loch Ness hoping to make the water sweeter!
Pat Lightfoot.