Why the panic?

In today’s world where tolerance and understanding are touted by Politicians, Greg Combet, Bob Brown and Julia Gillard are into prejudice and exaggeration by calling people names like deniers.
If they are really truthful and honest, here are the questions they should openly face up to.
Where is the scientist that shows us CO2 will make the planet 3-5 degrees C warmer in 2100?
If there isn`t one, why
the panic?
In 10 years’ time Australia might reduce its CO2 by five per cent when the Chinese  plan to increase theirs by 600 times that amount
So why are we going to do it?
Where is the scientist that precisely predicts the World’s temperature according to CO2 levels? If there is none, how do you know CO2 is the culprit?
If Labor and the Greens are reasonable people and think Australians want a Carbon Tax that will cost us jobs, why not call an election and confirm it by winning a majority in both houses?
It’s really that simple.
Leon Ashby