Rates error solved

SOUTHERN Downs Regional Council CEO, Andrew Roach, has sought to ease concerns about a computer error which re-issued several rates bills to residents who have already paid.
Mr Roach said council sends out a reminder letter (not a letter of demand) to residents if payment has not been made for rates or a payment arrangement has not been made.
“There was a computer error this year in that some residents who had made a payment arrangement received a reminder letter,” he said.
“We apologise for this error and can reassure those residents that their payments have been recorded and their individual payment arrangements will continue.
“Council has received phone calls to its Community Contact Centres at Warwick and Stanthorpe and our staff members have reassured residents who have incorrectly been sent reminder letters,” he said.
“Some residents who paid through Australia Post on time for their discount also received reminder letters however this was due to a delay in processing at council offices. This has been rectified.”
Anyone who has queries about their rates notices or payments can phone SDRC on: 1300 MYSDRC (1300 430 250).