Building confidence on the up in Warwick

Residential development in Warwick is on the rise.
Southern Downs Regional Council director of planning and environment Ken Harris said, while development in Stanthorpe remained steady, Warwick had seen a return to reasonable levels.
In saying that though, there has been a huge confidence in the Rose City of late, with the council approving between 2500 and 3000 residential
lots over the past four to five years.
Mr Harris said Warwick was now seeing some building work as a result of those approvals.
“They have a number of years to proceed with their development. There are some new estates spread right across town,” he said.
However, the council is baffled, he said, because Warwick had not seen major increases in its population as a result of this building confidence in the city.
“We’ve only seen an increase in the population in the order of one to one-and-a-half per cent,” Mr Harris said.
“It’s very low but we are growing, which is better than other inland cities.”
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