Plan is a future vision

THE State Government’s Queensland Plan is designed to look beyond tomorrow and to plan for a future decades away, Member for Southern Downs Lawrence Springborg said.
Mr Springborg said he learned a valuable lesson on a trade delegation.
“The chairman of one of the really well-known Japanese companies was telling us about a 200-year plan they had for their company.
“I asked ‘whatever happens if something goes wrong in 20 years’ time’ and he said ‘we stick to the plan and just make adjustments’.
“That’s what we’ve got to get better at.
“This is meant to go beyond the here and now that tends to dominate everything we do,” he said.
“We tend to look in the short-term – what happens next year, what happens in this electoral cycle, and while they’re important this is an attempt to try to take the politics out of planning in Queensland,” Mr Springborg said.
“This is about that long-term vision.”
Hundreds of Queenslanders are at a Brisbane Summit to review the emerging Queensland Plan.