Common political grave

The merger of the Nationals and Liberals to form the LNP, in Queensland, is an absolute disaster for country areas of the State.
Lawrence Springborg, and others, got sprung in the leadership stakes and do not know how the “top brass” in the party operates. One thing the Newman coup has taught Lawrence and everyone else is that there is no such thing as democracy in Queensland.
Dorothy Pratt’s recent comments confirm this view. In fact, Queensland is a giant business, called the Brigalow Corporation.
The old County Party changed its name to National in an attempt to win more city votes. Due to corruption and other factors, the experiment failed. This led to forming the LNP and now to the Newman takeover which is designed to win city votes.
If country Queensland wants fairer representation, the Nationals need to break away from the Liberals and head for the bush. The Nationals could back the best option for the State.
One thing is sure, and that is, the Liberals will dominate the current unholy alliance. The National faction will die a slow death and join the Democrats and One Nation in a common political grave.

Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin