Avoid fatal five, stay alive

WARWICK police are urging members of the community to drive sensibly and responsibly as the Christmas festive season approaches.
Due to the roads being busier than usual, motorists should take extra care while driving.
With a high number of road fatalities within the Darling Downs area this year, police are urging drivers to remain patient and not to take unnecessary risks such as overtaking, tailgating and speeding.
Locals and visitors to the area can expect to be sharing our roads with more cars, trucks and caravans.
Police ask motorists to show even greater patience and care during this time.
In order to ensure the safety of all road users, motorists are warned that police will be patrolling towns and highways targeting the ’fatal five’:
– Speeding
– Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
– Not wearing seatbelts
– Driving fatigued
– Inattention/distraction

Alcohol is a part of the festive season for many people and police stress the importance of organising a designated driver or finding alternate transport if you intend celebrating. Don’t try to guess your limit. If you’re not sure, don’t drive.
The new anti-hooning laws are also now in place to target anti-social and unsafe driving behaviour.
The Queensland Government has introduced these new laws to put the brakes on hooning and other reckless driving offences.
Anti-hooning laws are designed to improve road safety, deter repeat offenders, and to stop offenders by taking their cars away.
Law-abiding motorists will not be affected by the new laws but those who go too far and repeatedly break road safety laws are at risk of losing their vehicles

There are a few simple things we can all do make our roads safer.
– Plan your destination and allow adequate time for your arrival. It is better to be late then never arrive.
– If you plan to drink, plan to not drive. If you plan to drive, plan not to drink.
– Show courtesy and respect on our roads. We all share the roads and we should all share the load of road safety.
– Do not use phones or other mobile devices when driving. It is simply too dangerous. If you need to use your device – pull over.
The Warwick police wish everyone a safe and enjoyable festive season.