Tenterfield Veteran’s Golf

A RECORD Open shotgun start field of 138 players teed off in The Tenterfield Veteran Golfers’ Open Day played in conjunction with the Veteran’s Westpac Helicopter charity day.
President Bill Eastgate presented Westpac Helicopter member Peter Chittick with a cheque for $1000 from the proceeds of the day at the presentation of trophies.
A field of 14 clubs were represented on the day from Sydney to the Gold Coast. The course was challenging with low scoring the order of the day.
Results: Men’s Division 1 winner Ken Hines (Tenterfield) 39 with runner-up Brian Lanz (Tenterfield) 38. Men’s Division 2 winner Allan Mc Donnell (Parkwood) 40 with runner-up Michael Wish (Tenterfield) 38. Ladies’ Division winner Kay Sage (Goondiwindi) 37; 1st runner-up Karen Manser (Tenterfield) 34 and second runner-up Diane Benson (Tenterfield) 33. Men’s Nearest to Pin No. 9 Neil Gale (Tenterfield) and No. 18 Tom Biggars (Goondiwindi); Ladies’ Pin No. 14 2nd Shot Julie Gale (Tenterfield). Long Drives to Neil Gale; Ian Wade and Karen Manser – all Tenterfield golfers.
As Veteran’s Captain I take this opportunity to thank all sponsors for their generous support in making this day a huge success – Sexton and Green, Royal and Telegraph Hotels and Lesleigh Milton.
A special thanks to Peter and Pam Brown for catering morning tea, Brian Curry and Garry Sutcliffe for computer score entries and all committee members for your input on the day.
– John Gale, Captain.