Festive service at carnival

SANTA, carols, and a chocolate wheel that dispenses hams – it must be the annual Christmas Carnival in Tenterfield’s Bruxner Park.
Local service clubs are busy organising the event with renewed commitment and enthusiasm, they say.
The Rotary Club will have the chocolate wheel giving everyone a chance to take home a ham for $2, while Quota will man the drinks stall and Lions will have old favourites like donuts, fairy floss and hot chips.
Barbecue steaks and sausages will be in abundance at reasonable prices.
Darren Butler of DTB Fabrications has again donated the hire of a jumping castle which proved to be well received by children of all ages last year.
In addition, this year local church groups will be singing Christmas Carols during the night, which is sure to add to the atmosphere.
Santa will be arriving a little later this year at around 7.30pm on a shining Rural Fire Service fire truck, bearing free treats for all children who attend.
This year the grocery hamper raffle will be bigger and better than ever with $500 worth of groceries as the prize. Tickets in the raffle will be available outside Bi-Lo the Friday prior to the carnival and in the Main Street on 12 December as well as on the night. Winner takes all.
Committee chairman Ken Poulson said the hoped to improve on last year’s record crowd and that all proceeds from the night would be donated to the Westpac Rescue Helicopter, the same as in previous years.
The carnival will be held in Bruxner Park on 12 December commencing at 5.30pm.