Teens face court over break-in

THREE juveniles will all face several charges in the Warwick Children’s Court after a break-in at the Cowboys Rugby League Club overnight on Monday.
The three were located and apprehended by police shortly after the offences were committed.
A 12-year-old boy was arrested and charged with break-and-enter, an attempted break-and-enter, wilful damage to a vehicle, and possession of liquor as a minor.
A 13-year-old boy was arrested and charged with break-and-enter, attempted break-and-enter; wilful damage to premises and possession of liquor as a minor.
A 14-year-old will face charges of break-and-enter, stealing, wilful damage to a building, wilful damage to a vehicle, wilful damage by fire, and possession of liquor as a juvenile.
All were released on strict bail conditions, awaiting their appearance in court.
n Meanwhile, a 37-year-old will not see his car for 90 days after it was impounded by Warwick Police.
Police said the man was seen doing burn-outs in Rosehill Rd, Warwick at 11.30pm on Monday.
Under Queensland’s tough new hooning laws that is enough to have your vehicle seized for 90 days.
Apart from a court appearance for wilfully making noise and smoke during the burnouts, the man was subsequently charged with drink-driving at almost three times the legal limit, possession of dangerous drugs, and possession of drug utensils.