Watch water use

WITH heatwave conditions returning to the Southern Downs residents need to be aware of water restrictions.
The Southern Downs Regional Council said water use across the Southern Downs during the last blast of hot weather was particularly high, with usage well above desired levels.Dams are lower than last year and there’s little prospect of them recharging significantly soon, considering the reduced level of rainfall last month, the direst December for the past 18 years.
Stanthorpe only received 25 per cent of the average monthly rainfall in December, very close to the lowest level during the past 50 years of records.
Council’s permanent water restrictions mean that residents in odd number or no number properties can water outdoors on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays anytime except between 10am and 4pm while residents in even number properties can water on Saturdays, Mondays and Wednesdays anytime except between 10am and 4pm.
The council has a number of factsheets on its website that give useful information on saving water and using water wisely.
While there is currently no thought of more stringent water restrictions council is constantly monitoring the situation and urges everyone to be waterwise.