Wheely good advice

A local council law applies in Warwick's CBD. 114593_01

HEY kids,

Do you know the rules you have to obey when you’re riding your bike, when you’re on a skateboard, skates or scooter?
Just as your parents have to know the road rules when they’re driving, so you have to be aware of the rules about what the police call “a foot-propelled device”. That’s anything you propel with your feet.
You also need to be aware that there are general rules that apply anywhere in the state and there are special rules that apply in your local town. Some are state laws and some are local government laws.
For instance, anywhere in Queensland you always need a helmet when riding your bike. That’s a state law. But a special rule applies in the middle of Warwick, where signs say you can’t ride your scooters, bikes, skates (see photo). That’s a local or council law.
The Southern Downs Regional Council made the rules about the middle of Warwick to prevent the harm or injury if you run into someone walking along minding their own business. Wherever you’re riding you should stay alert to others around you.

Save your skull!
SCOOTERS, roller skates, inline skates, skateboards and similar devices you ride around on are different from bicycles.
While a bicycle is considered to be an important way for some people to get where they need to go, the law considers other foot-powered devices like scooters and skates as recreational vehicles and treats them differently.
Whatever you’re riding, you should wear a helmet. Going downhill, before you know it you can be moving very fast, and a lot of recreational vehicles like scooters and skates don’t have brakes! If you have a crash you could cause serious injury and harm to yourself or someone else.
School zones matter
CHILDREN should remind their parents of the 40 kilometre an hour zones around schools. There’s even a special law covering speeding near a school called “Exceed speed limit in a school zone”, and it cost a lot of money and points off the driver’s licence.
Your parents are often very busy taking you to school, getting to work, thinking about everything parents have to do, so police are asking children to take some of the responsibility and help their parents drive safely.
DO you know what these four road signs mean? They all concern different rules for adults and children when they’re moving from place to place. Fill in the answers and take them to Warwick police station and Senior Constable Wendy Tamblyn will give you a small reward.
Stay Safe!