Tenterfield Veterans Golf

A GREAT field of 49 veterans which included 6 visitors from Hervey Bay teed off in a Stableford Competition on Tuesday 4 February.
John Milton recorded a red hot score of 45 points to win the February NSW Monthly Veteran’s shirt. The consistent Tony Hassall was runner-up with 41. Great golf John, well played. Ball run down to Terry Daly 39; Karen Manser and Steve Holmes 38; Denis Hull, Rod Hair, Rob Murphy and Frank Moore all 37; Peter Mustoo and Richie Tweedale 36; Don Iedema, Sandra Kerley (Hervey Bay) and Ruby Gale 35 on countback. Best front nine – Garry Nicholls 21; Best back nine – Peter Zannes 19; Pin Shots No. 9 (Ladies) Pam Brown 220cm; No 18 Tony Hassall 615cm. Captain’s Draw: Brian Curry and Mystery Hole No 10 to Tony Hassall a five-point hole to win six golf balls. A birdie 3 on 10 by Ken Hines for a four-point hole was not good enough. Tough luck “Koala”.
Diary date: Veterans Championship rounds will be played on 18 and 25 March respectively. Good golfing Veterans.