Locals receive a helping hand

The Warwick district can now rebuild with confidence, thanks to grants from Commonwealth Bank.
More than $93,000 has been distributed between 11 different groups to help them rebuild over the coming months.
Killarney Hack & Pony Club – replace jumps and field markers
Allora Show Society – repair fencing
Warwick & District Football Association – replace damaged equipment
Warwick Hockey Association – repairs to playing field
Warwick Golf Club – repairs to access road
Allora Landcare Group – replace plants
Warwick Dog Obedience Club – repairs to grounds
Warwick & Districts Tennis Association – repairs to club house and courts
Warwick AFC – replace damaged equipment
Warwick Boxing Club – repairs to facilities
Condamine River Sports Group – replace mower.
Over the coming weeks, the bank’s grant program will distribute more than $5 million in grants to not-for-profit community groups who suffered damage or loss as a result of flood or cyclone damage in recent months. This is part of the bank’s overarching $65 million natural disaster assistance package which was launched in January 2011.
More than 370 organisations nationally will receive help, with requests received from a range of community groups such as sports clubs, community gardens, Girl Guides, local drama clubs, history societies, animal wildlife rescue centres and op-shops.
Paul Butler, Commonwealth Bank branch manager of Warwick, congratulated the local organisations and said the grant program was one of many ways the Commonwealth Bank was continuing to support Australian communities through this challenging time.
“We recognise that groups like the Warwick Hockey Association need our assistance, especially at a time when organisations are starting to rebuild,” he said.
“Commonwealth Bank is proud to be able to help the Warwick community and we wish each of the
local community groups the best
for their return to full operation.”
A full list of successful applicants is available online at commbank.com.au/floodassistance