Resident trades love for a life without violence

A 58-year-old Warwick mother regrets never experiencing a loving and respecting relationship after her ex-husband bashed her regularly for about five years.
The resident, who is not named for personal reasons, said, although she escaped from the violence about three decades ago, it is something that will remain with her for her entire life.
“I would have given my life to have a relationship that had lasted a long time. I’m not able to jump into another relationship,” she said.
In saying that though, she is glad she made the decision to leave her ex-husband for a life without violence.
“I also grew up with a father that was abusive so I didn’t want my children to be brought up in that environment.”
The local woman spoke to the Southern Free Times about her experiences as a result of May being Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month.
She said she regularly had cuts and bruises and the violence even got to the stage where her then husband bent her arm “in a way that tore the muscle off the bone”.
“For years and years he swore all women deserved to be bashed up now and again,” the woman said.
“In the beginning, the abuse was in association with alcohol but then it got to a stage that he didn’t need a drink to hit out.
“There was one night, everything was happy and really good, and all of a sudden, out of the blue, he just punched me fair on the face.
“I did think that maybe I could change this person or I could do something to make it stop but it takes you a while to realise you can’t change it.
“He’s the father of my children and the man I married. I gave all my love and affection to him; that’s why it was so difficult to leave. It’s not easy to get out of a dangerous relationship but it can be done. I still believe I did the right thing for me.”

Story: Rebecca Brown