Dad’s good for laughs

Show your Dad how much you love him this Father’s Day.

He fell in love the first time he held you, and cocked the shotgun when your first date arrived.

He teaches, protects and loves unconditionally, but never misses an opportunity to “stir you up”.

They’re the characters who teach you to laugh at yourself, and particularly enjoy when you laugh at them.

This is for the new Dads – to learn from.

For the current Dads – to gain new material from.

And for the Dads we’ve lost – to always remember the joy they gave us.


Top 10 Dad jokes:

When driving past a cemetery, “You know, that is the dead centre of town!”

“Pull my finger!”

Me: “Dad I’m hungry!” Dad: “Hi hungry, I’m dad!”

Anywhere with stuffed and mounted animal heads – “It must have been going pretty fast when it hit that wall!”

When Dad drops a pea off of his plate – “Oh dear I’ve pee’d on the table!”

Me: “Should I put the kettle on?” Dad: “Do you think it will suit you?”

When driving past black and white cows – “Wow, it must be cold out there, those cows are Friesian!”

Me: “I’m off!” Dad: “I wondered what the smell was!”

Hearing someone in a restaurant dropping glasses or crockery – “Sack the juggler!”

When being offered a hot towel in a Chinese restaurant, “No thanks, I’m full!”