Capturing the sports

Is it a Bird, is it a Plane... by Lisa Robinson received the highest praise an honour. (Supplied)

The Allora Photography Group convened on Wednesday 10 July to present and evaluate a collection of 20 images centred around the theme of sports. The event featured a competition judged by Tryg Hellander.

The highlight of the evening was Lisa’s image titled Is it a Bird, is it a Plane…. The photo captured a young rider in mid-air, creating a Superman-like effect. The expressions of the onlookers, ranging from shock to delight, and the concern on the rodeo clown’s face, added depth to the shot.

Judge Hellander awarded Lisa an “honour”, praising the piece as “Great action, great connection from the crowd, decisive moment photography at its best. This is fine work”.

Gale’s entry, All Eyes on the Ball, earned a highly commended for its portrayal of junior soccer players in Warwick. The focus of the young athletes, reminiscent of stars like Craig Foster and Sam Kerr, was well captured, highlighting the dedication in grassroots sports.

Michael’s photo, Close Quarters, showcased the world of motor racing. The image, featuring two riders in protective gear engaged in a high-speed battle, was awarded a merit. The judge noted the dramatic elements and the inherent danger of the sport.

Sally’s Power and Grace received a highly commended for its depiction of a showjumping horse at the peak of its leap. The photo captured the moment when the horse’s front hooves were about to clear the rail, encapsulating both strength and elegance.

The Allora Photography Group’s next meeting is scheduled for 14 August at St Andrew’s Community Centre, located at 33 Forde St (Cnr Warwick St.), Allora. The session will feature a special paid presentation on Monochrome photography by Warren Vievers, the president of the Masters’ Apprentices Camera Club.

The presentation will explore the artistic nuances of images rendered in various shades of a single colour, including but not limited to black and white. A nominal fee will be charged for cost recovery: $5 for members and $10 for non-members. All photography enthusiasts are welcome to attend.

For more information, please contact Michael at or call 0427 521 159.