Anniversary success

Zonta Stanthorpe President Edith Boccari and District Governor Petra Ladwig congratulate Rosemary McMahon and Jenny Lutter who have been members of the club since its charter in 1999. (Samantha Wantling: 433733)

Zonta Stanthorpe are pleased with the recent 25th Anniversary dinner dance, which was well attended by Present and Past Members, District 22 Board Members, Friends of Zonta, Service Clubs and Councillor Russell Wantling.

It was an honour to recognise the 25 year membership of Jenny Lutter and Rosemary McMahon and their contributions to our club.

We had a photo fundraiser and raffle on the night – Raffle prizes were generous – 2 nights’ accommodation was donated by Lynne and Chris Nolan – Granite Gardens for first prize, Granite Belt Retreat donated a 3 course meal for second prize and Past Member Pam Hendry donated a gift voucher from Country Lane Lifestyle which we put together with Wine from Kominos Winery for third prize. Funds raised on the night, together with our Murphy’s Pigs profit will be donated to local organisations towards fighting domestic violence.

Thank you to Samantha Wantling for the photos and writeup in last weeks paper for this event.

Zonta Stanthorpe is pleased to host their first meet and greet at Stanny Brewhouse on Thursday 10th October from 5pm.

If you would like to join a group of local people to socialise with and make a difference to the lives of Women and Girls around the world and in our Community, please come along and join us for refreshments and nibbles.

If you would like further information please give me a call on 0402 261 098, email or follow us on Facebook.