Dealer: S Vul: Nil
♠ 64
♥ J94
♦ 1098742
♣ 106
♠ K2 ♠ Q10983
♥ K76 ♥ AQ52
♦ J5 ♦ Q3
♣ KJ9843 ♣ A2
♠ AJ75
♥ 1083
♦ AK6
♣ Q75
On Board 11 last Monday there were contracts played in every domination except for diamonds. East/West have perfectly safe partscore contracts in clubs, hearts and spades. Only a total optimist would attempt 3NT with these cards. One East/West pair, who each held two doubletons (i.e. two-card suits) managed somehow to choose 3NT as their contract. Declarer (East) received an early Christmas present with the lead of the three of hearts.
There is now a clear pathway to nine tricks. Declarer can win the first trick with King of hearts, then play a small club to the Ace. East continues with the two of clubs to West’s Jack – or the King if South generously plays the Queen. Declarer can now win six club tricks to go with the three top hearts. Game is made for a top score East/West of 400. The only defence which is certain to beat 3NT is for South to play the Ace and King of diamonds, noting the fall of both the Queen and Jack, and then exit with the six of diamonds to North’s four winners. To be fair to South, finding that play wasn’t easy. East called South’s bluff and got away with it.
Those East/Wests who played in spades duly won nine tricks for 140 points. There was a different story for the two pairs who played in 3H. At one table North led a helpful ten of clubs. This gave declarer (West) the chance to draw trumps and set up West’s club winners to allow East’s diamond losers to be discarded. Twelve tricks for 230 points was the result. At the other table, 3H was played by East, This time declarer could only win eight tricks after South took two diamond tricks immediately.
Results. Monday, 25/11/24 (6 & 1/2-table Mitchell): N/S H, Price C. Duggan (56.7) 1; J. Smith L. Munson (54.2) 2; L. James M. Simpson (52.1) 3. E/W P. Kelly J. Nankervis (71.8) 1; P. Campbell T. Hinde (56.1) 2; W. Milne J. Sipple (49.3) 3. Friday, 29/11/24 (4 & 1/2-table Howell): T. Hinde J. Mobbs (65.3) 1; J. Nankervis L. Munson (58.3) 2; N. Collins M. Simpson (56.2) 3; N. Bonnell C. Duggan (53.5) 4.