Dealer: S Vul: E/W
♠ J
♥ J8752
♦ J987
♣ J63
♠ AQJ964 ♠ K1082
♥ Q9 ♥ A10
♦ — ♦ AKQ52
♣ KQ1082 ♣ 74
♠ 75
♥ K643
♦ 10643
♣ A95
At the Annual Prizegiving Dinner last Friday trophies were awarded to Noela Collins, Mavis Simpson, Pat Kelly and John Nankervis (Teams), Noela Collins, Mavis Simpson (Pairs), Sandra Head, Lois James (Handicap Pairs), Janny Sipple (J &J Kemp Memorial Shield). Congratulations to all recipients.
Imagine that you are sitting East on Board 19 (above) from last Friday and you see your partner (West) open the bidding with 1S, what is your response? Mostly, East simply raised partner to 4S and there the bidding ended. When Valerie Prentice sat East, she responded with the bold bid of 5S (invitational to 6S if partner had a good enough hand). The strength of East’s hand is such that if partner’s spades are reasonable and partner has a club honour or two it is worth looking for the vulnerable slam, which would score 1430 matchpoints if twelve tricks were made. Declarer received the lead of the five of hearts and the fate of the contract hinged on West’s choice of card from dummy. The Ace of hearts was the safe choice. Trumps were drawn in two rounds, followed by East’s three top diamonds. This allowed declarer to discard the Queen of hearts and two clubs. A club had to be conceded to the Ace, but declarer no longer had any losers. West’s King of clubs was high and the remaining tricks could be won with a cross-ruff of diamonds and clubs. 6S was made. What a well-judged bid by Valerie! One other pair reached 6S but after a heart lead declarer played the 10 of hearts from dummy. Declarer lost the King of hearts as well as the Ace of spades. One other pair looked for slam, but decided that they couldn’t make 12 tricks. They were right – they went one down in 5S.
Results, Monday, 02/12/24 (5 & 1.2-table Howell): T. Hinde L. Don (63.0) 1; P. Campbell D. Moran (62.5) 2; J. Nankervis P. Kelly (58.5) 3; R. Hart H. Price (54.3) 4. Friday, 06/!2/24 (7-table Mitchell): N/S J. Rose V. Rose (63.4) 1; N. Collins M. Simpson (61.6) 2; J. Smith H. Price (58.5) 3. E/W N. Bonnell V. Prentice (62.6) 1; J. Mobbs T. Hinde (57.3) 2; H. Tilbrook P. Kelly (50.6) 3.