Too much information at Warwick bridge

From left, Claire Duggan presenting Beverly and Neil Bonnell with a bouquet to recognize significant service to the Bridge Club. (Supplied).

Dealer: W Vul: Both


♠ Q876

♥ K95

♦ KQ

♣ K1076


♠ 95 ♠ AKJ10432

♥ A432 ♥ 6

♦ AJ52 ♦ 83

♣ 832 ♣ AQJ


♠ —

♥ QJ1087

♦ 109764

♣ 954

During World War II a common slogan was, “Loose lips cost lives.”

In bridge also it is possible inadvertently to give away too much information.

When your opponents bid game, requiring them to win nine tricks in no-trumps or ten in hearts or spades, is there anything you can do about it?

If you judge that you can win four tricks you can use the bid of “double.” If the contract fails, declarer will lose double the normal penalty – sometimes more. The catch is that if declarer wins ten tricks or more, declarer receives bonuses.

Let’s see what happened on Board 20 (above) on Friday.

After East/West reached 4S by East, North doubled, which ended the auction. South correctly led the Queen of hearts, which was won by dummy’s Ace. Because of East’s singleton heart, any chance North/South had of making tricks in hearts disappeared.

Declarer can now use the information supplied by North who, by doubling the contract, has announced that North holds most of the missing honour cards and most of the missing trumps. Declarer, Hilary Price, used this information to call for the nine of spades from dummy and allowed it to run when North correctly played low.

Next came the six of spades to East’s Jack, followed by The Ace and King of spades. It was probably at this stage that North was composing an apology to partner. Declarer crossed to dummy’s Ace of diamonds and played a small club to East’s Queen.

Hilary lost only the Kings of clubs and diamonds. Instead of 650 for eleven tricks in 4S not doubled East/West scored 990. This helped Claire Duggan and Hilary to a handsome win East/West.

Results, Monday 6 January (4-table Howell): L. Don T, Hinde (69.0) 1; N. Collins M. Simpson (66.10 2; R. Hart H. Price (52.4) 3. J. Nankervis P. Kelly (51.2) 4. Friday, 10/01/25 (5-table Mitchell): N/S N. Collins M. Simpson (57.1) 1; P. Kelly L. Don (52.5) 2; E/W H. Price C. Duggan (65.0) 1; L. Munson J. Nankervis (60.0) 2.