Dealer: E Vul: E/W
♠ AQ
♥ 97
♦ AQ5
♣ AKQ1065
♠ 873 ♠ 842
♥ AQ2 ♥ KJ1053
♦ KJ10974 ♦ —
♣ 4 ♣ 98732
♠ KJ1065
♥ 864
♦ 8632
♣ J
“The best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray;” which happens quite often at the bridge table. On Board 22 (above) from last Friday two of us planned to win the nine tricks needed for 3NT and thereby to score 400 matchpoints. Given the opportunity, North would normally open 2C, showing a strong hand with 19-21 high card points and hoping to find a game somewhere.
At more than one table West entered the auction with 1D before it was North’s turn to bid. A simple overcall of 2C, which now would show just opening hand and five clubs, is an option but it would be hand to persuade partner to respond. The real contest came when West repeated the diamonds. Two of us now counted our possible tricks in no trumps if an obedient East led a diamond. Six probable clubs, two diamonds and at least one spade would be just enough for 3NT. Surely partner had something in hearts, as nobody else had bid them. So we bid 3NT and waited for the inevitable diamond to be led by East, but there was a problem. East had no diamonds and so led a small heart. East/West can roll off five tricks, defeating the contract by one trick. Sitting North, I had the chance to double 3D, bid 4C or stick with 3NT. I chose 3NT and scored minus 50. Only an unlikely black suit lead would have allowed 3NT to succeed. John Nankervis and Leanne Munson doubled 3D and scored plus 800. Overall winners Jenny Smith and Nea McGinnes did best East/West when they defeated 4C by two tricks.
Results, Monday, 13/01/25 (4-table Howell): P. Campbell T. Hinde (62.4) 1; D. Moran S. Head (56.7) 2; J. Nankervis P. Kelly (55.7) 3; J. Mobbs S. Goddard (52.4) 4. Friday, 17/01/25 (5 & ½ -table Howell): J. Smith N. McGinness (65.7) 1; D/Moran P. Kelly (64.8) 2; L. Munson J. Nankervis (61.1) 3; T. Hinde J. Mobbs (57.4) 4.