Allora Photography Group met in Allora on Wednesday 12 March at 7pm to have their February topic photos, Repetition, judged by PSQ Judge, John Stewart.
Our members found they needed to look outside the usual for this subject, but the results have been most effective.
This is our first year of being grouped into Grades using the Rubric Scale which is a nationally recognised standard of photography grading and judging. Grade A, the more experienced photographers, have their photographs judged on the highest standard in all aspects of photography, so gaining an Honour is a great achievement.
Grade B photographs are judged less strictly but still within the criteria of technical standards.
Bob Hade submitted “Southbank at Night” a very impressive image that definitely has wow factor which gained him an Honour. The star spangled trees are repetitive along with the gazebos and lamp posts. A great shot.
Also in the Honours lineup was Jan Stewart with Her “Lots and Lots”. Soft lighting and the interesting repetitive patterns formed by the plants made this a most appealing photo.
Andrew Buckley made the most of the Christmas break, “Trucks on Holidays” with this line up of our well known carrier which certainly meets the criteria of repetition. The tree helping to fill in an empty space in the sky adds to the impact and fills the frame. The security fence was unfortunately in the way of a more diagonal shot which would have pleased the Judge.
We have several interesting excursions planned over the coming weeks. If you would like to be a member of the Allora Photography Group and join us in learning a new skill or boost an existing skill we would love to hear from you by contacting Michael Campbell on or 0427 521 159.