Tricks in the hand

Last Friday's North/South winners, Judy Mobbs and Tony Hinde take on Ros Hart and Jenny Smith. (Supplied)

Dealer: S Vul: Both


♠ J2

♥ AQ10

♦ KQ10653

♣ Q5


♠ A9754 ♠ Q63

♥ K98532 ♥ J74

♦ AJ ♦ 2

♣ — ♣ J109873


♠ K108

♥ 6

♦ 9874

♣ AK643

The two-day Monday Practice Teams event will now commence on 24 March.

At three out of five tables last Friday North bid and made five diamonds on the hand above. Lurking in West’s hand was a danger that North would not have foreseen. North should win only ten tricks instead of the eleven needed. So, who was at fault?

The bidding at most tables would have seen West open the auction with 1H, followed by 2D by North. Whether or not East supported West’s hearts, South could show strong support for North’s diamonds. Although 5D was the logical end to the auction, one pair languished in 3D. Four East players obediently led the four of hearts, expecting praise from partner. Whatever West played North could win at least two heart tricks. On lead at trick one North now had a clear path to eleven tricks. The King of diamonds is led and beaten by W’s Ace. West now has no winning card except the Ace of spades. Back in control, North can play one more round of trumps, then discard a club on the second heart trick. Three club winners follow. This gives declarer one spade trick, two hearts, five diamonds, three clubs.

One cannot really blame West for opening the bidding, but without that guidance, East may well have led the Jack of clubs for West to trump. Some players lead the top of a sequence whenever possible. In this case East was led astray by that heart bid. North South winners Tony Hinde and Judy Mobbs profited when West doubled 5D and concede an extra 150 points. With no information about the location of the honour cards in hearts, West would have done better not to add to partner’s frustration.

Results, Monday, 10/03/25 (6-table Mitchell): T. Hinde P, Campbell (62.3) 1; N. Collins D. Moran (56.0) 2; M. Johnston C. Duggan (51.0) 3. E/W P. Kelly J. Nankervis (70.0) 1; H. Price J. Rose (54.6) 2; R. Hart N. McGinness (48.3) 3/ Friday, 14/03/25 (5-table Mitchell): N/S T. Hinde J. Mobbs (57.9) 1; N. Collins M. Simpson (55.8) 2. E/W L. Munson J. Nankervis (73.3) 1; D. Moran N. McGinness (52.9) 2.