Manhattan to play again at Warwick’s 150th birthday bash

Much loved local band Manhattan will re-form after 11 years as the headline act at the Warwick 150th Mayoral Gala Charity Dinner on Saturday, May 28.
The band, which was famous in the 1980s, played all across the Darling Downs and in Brisbane and was the talk of the music scene at the height of their fame.
Lead singer Peter Tanna is excited about the upcoming performance, with proceeds from the dinner going to local charities.
Other entertainment at the Black Tie dinner will include historical trivia, a charity auction and dance acts.
“One-hundred-and-fifty years is a very important milestone for our community and I’m delighted to host this gala dinner dance to mark the occasion,” Mayor Ron Bellingham said.
“In yesteryear, the dinner dance was the social hub of the community, and we’re looking to revive that with an entertaining modern twist,” Cr Bellingham said.
“We’re putting that all to the benefit of the local community by donating proceeds to local charities.”
The dinner is proudly supported by Mission Australia Employment Solutions.
Anyone can book tickets to the gala dinner, but people are urged to get in quickly as 50 per cent of the 30 available tables have already been booked.
Tickets are $90 per person and tables of 10 are available.  Call (07) 4661 0300 or visit Southern Downs Regional Council customer service counter at 64 Fitzroy Street, Warwick to book your tickets.
There are a whole series of events celebrating Warwick’s 150th birthday between May 20 and May 29.  For details, visit