Country Woman of the Year announced

Many Queensland Country Women’s Association (QCWA) Border Division members gathered at Killarney on May 31 for the judging of QCWA Border Division Country Woman of the Year and division finals in Cookery, Knitting and Crochet, Floral Art, Handcraft, Dressmaking, Public Speaking, Interpretive Reading and Bush Poetry.
Penny Campbell-Wilson was chosen as QCWA Border Division Country Woman of the Year for 2011.
Mrs Campbell-Wilson will now go on to the state finals along with finalists from other divisions in Queensland.
The state finals will be held at the QCWA State Conference at Charters Towers in late October.
Perpetual trophies were also presented as follows: Mary McIvor Trophy for Cookery won by Olive Shooter – Allora Branch; Nancy Thompson Memorial Shield for Floral Art won by Dot Stewart –Stanthorpe; Lorna Duff Memorial Shield for Fresh Miniature Floral Art won by Beryl Bosworth – Clifton Branch; Margaret Hamilton Memorial Trophy for Interpretive Reading won by Sandra Hass – Leyburn Branch.