Last chance for feedback on Town Plan

Southern Downs residents have between Monday, August 1, and Friday, September 16, to provide any further submissions on the proposed new planning scheme for the Southern Downs region.
The proposed Southern Downs Region Planning Scheme is the first planning scheme for the whole of the region and will provide a consistent framework for planning decisions within the region.
“This proposed planning scheme has been three years in the making and is an important document as it provides direction for future development in our region,” Mayor Ron Bellingham said.
“It will have implications on what you can do with your land and what your neighbours can do with theirs,” Cr Bellingham said.
“The council has worked with our community and State agencies to prepare a scheme that balances the wishes and aspirations of our community with the requirements of State agencies,” he said.
“I invite all residents, land owners, business owners and operators and any other interested people to find out about how the planning scheme will affect their property.
“Your comments on the scheme will be welcomed and carefully considered by the council before the final planning scheme is adopted.”
There are a number of ways you can access the proposed new planning scheme.
You can find a copy of the planning scheme by logging on to  This site contains other interesting information about the planning scheme, including studies and results of the earlier consultation about the scheme.
Alternatively, you can read a copy of the planning scheme at the council offices in Warwick and Stanthorpe.
In addition, residents and land owners can talk to a planner on a one-to-one basis to explore the implications of the proposed planning scheme on their land and neighbourhood.
A planner will be available at different places within the region during the month of August and early September.
The times and places for the meetings are advertised on the council’s website and will also be advertised in the Southern Free Times.
“The purpose of these conversations about the planning scheme is to provide all residents with the opportunity to understand the implications of what is proposed so that you can make an informed decision about whether you want to lodge a submission to change any part of the planning scheme,” Cr Bellingham said.
All submissions received by the council before the closing date of Friday, September 16, will be carefully considered by the council and a written response explaining the council’s considerations will be sent to each submitter.