Controlled burn produces spectacular display

A controlled burn of tall, dry grass along the Macintyre Brook Creek at Inglewood at 7pm on Wednesday night, September 7, produced a spectacular display, which lit up the night sky with flames as high as three metres, accompanied by billowing smoke.
The burn was carried out by the Inglewood Fire Brigade, with members remaining on duty for two hours to monitor the exercise.
Brigade captain Brad Johnson said the burn effectively removed a potential threat to a number of Callandoon Street residents whose properties backed onto the area of rural land between themselves and the Brook.
He said the brigade was preparing for the coming fire season, which looked like being fairly serious throughout Queensland.
Three safety factors contributed to the success of last week’s burn. Firstly, a fire break was made around the designated area by Goondiwindi Regional Council workers; secondly it was established that the wind would be in the south east; and thirdly the time of night ensured that the air was cool and damp.
Captain Johnson said the brigade hopes to carry out another controlled burn along the Brook near the Inglewood Golf Course in the near future.