Protecting the Southern Downs from mining

Following two successful public meetings and information sessions held in Warwick and Stanthorpe recently, interested community members are invited to attend the newly-formed Southern Downs Protection Group’s first official group meeting.
The event, to be held from 7pm Wednesday at the Warwick Library meeting room, will focus on establishing a formal group, including the election of committee members.
The group, which was established by concerned local residents Leeanne Undery and Dawn Heath, is the result of community concern on the planned expansion of coal, coal seam gas and mineral mining on the Southern Downs and the potential impacts to the region’s land, water, biodiversity and community.
“Exploration permits for coal, coal seam gas and minerals cover large areas across the Southern Downs and many landholders are still unaware that their property has been included within these permits,” Mrs Undery said.
“We ask everyone to come along, even if they do not seek a committee position, as there are many other ways they can contribute to this group, from tea making to slogan writing, through to researching and making representations to government,” she said.
“Everyone has their part to play in supporting each other and protecting our properties and region.
“This meeting will also provide an opportunity for community members to be kept up-to-date with the progress of mining ventures in our area and to connect with fellow residents who share their concerns.”
For further details, contact the Southern Downs Protection Group at or visit the Southern Downs Protection Group’s Facebook Page.