Howzat for a cricket pitch

The school holidays not only resulted in a renewal of students’ spirits, but also, the renewal of Stanthorpe State School’s ageing cricket pitch, thanks to a very generous P&C committee, an enthusiastic band of volunteers and the expertise of a local business.
Once a tired strip of concrete, Stanthorpe State School’s cricket pitch is now a bright green runway of artificial turf, especially tough and specifically suited to the relentless game of cricket.
Funded by the P&C and in part by the Darling Downs Drifters, a mobile home club who offered a cash donation to the school for use of the ovals during the Apple and Grape Festival, the cricket pitch transformation was made possible by the diligent efforts of local cricket legends Alan Furness, Jacob Furness, Stewart Sims, Daniel Sims, Mark Lanza, Michael Jensen, Colin Britton and Brad Britton.
The school would like to thank these volunteers who had the back-breaking task of lifting the old pitch to make way for the new.
Students look forward to taking to the field for their next competitive game – “Howzat!”