Start your Christmas season off this weekend

You’ve only got to flick through newspapers here and around the country to find a host of upcoming entertainment, with themes pertaining to the forthcoming Christmas season.
At this time of year, Handel’s Messiah figures prominently in musical programs. Despite its Easter origins, it remains a staple of the repertoire in the lead-up to Christmas.
Some readers may recall similar productions in December 2006 and again in 2008 where the Granite Belt Choir sent out a “call to arms” for anyone who had wanted to sing Messiah and musicians who wanted to participate in an orchestra.  Well, they’ve done it again.
Rehearsals have been underway for several months and they are seeing the results of that work now, as the chorus and orchestra come together.
With this performance, the solo parts of Messiah will be performed by local singers.
Michael Lynch has again joined the troupe and taken the reins as conductor, and has shown the patience of Job (who, incidently, is mentioned in Messiah).
Jeanene Chapman has been rehearsing the choir members, providing correction and encourage-ment where needed.
Natalee McCosker is providing keyboard accompaniment and several soloists are ensuring she gets more practice than she needs on some passages of music.
So come along on Sunday to St Paul’s Anglican Church, Stanthorpe, and start the Christmas season off with this beautiful and uplifting work by Handel.
Be entertained and entranced by the music and singing and spend a couple of hours being inspired.  Entry is by donation.  No bookings are required, but you should arrive well in advance of the 4.30pm start time to ensure a good seat.