WIRAC wins award for disability plan

Warwick Indoor Recreation and Aquatic Centre (WIRAC) has been recognised at the State’s major disability sports awards for its work to include people with disabilities.
WIRAC won the Inclusive Services Award at the Queensland Sporting Wheelies and Disabled Association 2011 annual awards presentation recently.
The association’s chief executive officer Ray Epstein said WIRAC won the award for its swimming program, which aimed to increase opportunities for people with disabilities to explore and extend their abilities in the water.
“WIRAC has opened its doors to children with special needs, schoolchildren from special education units, adults from Blue Care, Endeavour and Community Options as well as the general community,” Mr Epstein said.
“WIRAC has taken the lead in training local swim teachers and centre staff to work with swimmers of all abilities and has been an active participant in Disability Action Week activities and fun participation in the pool,” he said.
“The centre is an outstanding inclusion role model for other sport and recreation providers to follow.”
WIRAC’s aquatics coordinator Karen Peters said it was a great feeling to win.
“I’d like to thank all the staff and clients of WIRAC’s swim programs – they’ve all worked together to provide a more inclusive environment for people with disabilities,” Mrs Peters said.
“This award shows that we can help to make a difference in people’s lives, but it is the smiles on people’s faces that is even more rewarding,” she said.
The Sporting Wheelies and Disabled Association annual awards recognise athletes with a disability, coaches, officials, volunteers and industry partners across Queensland.
The group is a peak body for sport, recreation and fitness for people with a physical disability in Queensland.