Mr E’s mass choir to raise the rotunda roof

There is nothing more uplifting to the Christmas spirit than the stirring sounds of a mass choir and Leslie Park will ring with harmonies on Sunday, December 18, when the Warwick Men’s Gospel Choir take to the Carols stage.
Choir organiser Bruce Eddiehausen said if you counted last year’s rained out Carols, the men’s choir had been in rehearsals for about 62 weeks.
“Choir members are absolutely excited about the opportunity to do something extraordinary at Carols this year,” Mr Eddiehausen said.
Mr E, as he is affectionately known by his music students, swells with pride when he talks about the men’s choir and their growth.
“Every time another man joins it sounds better,” he boasts.
“Men come along and say, ‘but I can’t sing’ and we tell them, ‘this is a choir for men who can’t sing’.”
“Once the numbers get over 40, the critical mass protects those who aren’t particularly good singers and all the voices blend together to form a beautiful harmony. These men are learning to sing in a big group and they sing with all their heart and the sound they produce is fantastic,” Mr E said.
He believes that it is very important to break down barriers between churches and feels that music is one way to do that.
“We have men from lots of different denominations in the choir and we all get great joy in meeting people from other churches.”
Anyone interested in joining the Warwick Men’s Gospel Choir should come along to The Lounge in Carmody Street at 7.30pm on Wednesdays.
After practice there is always a cuppa and the group finishes with a chat and fellowship.
“Choirs are a wonderful way to continue expanding our minds and friendships and offer great health benefits and social inclusion,” Mr E said.
For more information on Carols in the Park contact organiser Tracy Vellacott on (07) 4661 0300.