Peace garden entrance receives an artistic lift

After two weeks of chipping, the entrance stones to the Warwick Peace Garden are complete.
Organised by Warwick Peace Garden committee members Lenore Neville, Bill Greer and Sue Keong via a Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) grant, they commissioned natural history sculptor Paul Stumkat of Killarney to design and carve the two blocks of Yangan Sandstone.
The project took a number of weeks from design to completion. Both blocks have native plants and animals carved into them in low relief.
Each design supports the planting not only of the peace garden but also the planting in Victoria Park.
The left block has carving of Lace bark, brachychiton with an eastern spine bill feeding and flying while the right block has carving of Banksia and a wattle bird.
The artist hopes these images will serve as a window to the fauna and flora of Warwick for hundreds of years into the future.