Police warn public: ‘secure your homes’

Police are warning New South Wales residents to secure their homes before going on holidays this Christmas and summer period.
Many break and enter offences over the holiday season are opportunistic and could be easily prevented.
As part of NSW Police Force’s Play Safe, Stay Safe campaign, residents are being reminded of the simple steps they can take to improve their security.
NSW Police Force crime prevention spokesperson, Detective Superintendent Helen Begg, said, whether you’re heading away for a few days or an extended period, there are a number of simple and inexpensive ways you can reduce the risk of your home being targeted by criminals.
“By properly securing your home you can significantly lower the risk of your home being burgled.
“This type of crime can have a severe impact on individuals and families in a number of different ways. Many people often feel violated and have trouble overcoming such experiences.
“You’ve worked hard to obtain items and possessions within your home, so it makes sense to ensure thieves can’t take them off you.
“Many burglaries occur because the property appears unoccupied and it becomes obvious that no-one is home,” Det Supt Begg said.
If you are going away on holidays, you should consider the following:
■ Check that your home is secure before leaving – lock all windows, doors, garden shed, gates, and garages;
■ Ask a friend or neighbour to park in your driveway to make your home look lived-in;
■ Ask trusted friends or neighbours to collect your mail and check on your home occasionally while you are away. Advise them of where you can be contacted in case of an emergency;
■ Make sure the lawn does not become overgrown;
■ Stop all deliveries that you are expecting;
■ Ensure your phone message and online profiles don’t state you are away on holidays as this might give thieves the information they desire;
■ Pay essential services bills in advance, including electricity, gas, water and telephone, so that your supply continues while you’re away;
■ If valuable items are left in the home ensure that your Property Inventory is up-to-date;
■ Lock the electricity meter box to prevent thieves interfering with your power supply or security lighting (contact your local electricity provider for more information);
■ Check with your local police station to see if they offer patrol services for unattended residences during holiday season; and,
■ Avoid packing your vehicle the night before you leave as it will become an attractive target for thieves.
■ Ensure packaging from Christmas presents is placed in a bin and out of suite; don’t leave packaging on the nature strip as this could indicate to potential thieves that there are valuable goods in the home.
For more information on home security, visit: