Parking fines increase

Parking fines across the Southern Downs have increased under changes in Local Laws introduced on January 1.
From this month penalties for parking illegally in a loading zone or a designated disabled parking space have increased to $100.
All other parking infringements penalties have increased from $20 to $50.
This is the first increase in parking fines in more than 15 years and has been introduced to ensure that people and businesses who need easy and accessible parking are given a fair go, Southern Downs Regional Mayor Ron Bellingham said.
“These fines have jumped significantly to ensure that traffic keeps moving throughout the day giving fair and equitable access to all businesses,” Cr Bellingham said.
“If shoppers know that they will be able to get a park, they are more likely to stay and shop in their local community which has a positive economic effect,” he said.
Cr Bellingham urged drivers to check the signage when parking and make sure to park legally and within time limits.
Those who ignore the signage will risk being fined.
One hundred and seventeen parking infringement notices were issued over the past two months.
There have been 38 for exceeding a 30-minute limit, 71 for exceeding a two-hour parking limit, five for parking in a disabled parking space without a permit and three for parking illegally in a loading zone.
Cr Bellingham urged people to take note of disabled parking spaces and loading zone allocations and leave them for the people who need them.
“Loading zones are for people who need to unload commercial trucks to the businesses close by. When they are used by others it forces those truck drivers to carry goods for much greater distances, which is both difficult and inefficient,” he said.
“Only park in a disabled space if you have a disable parking permit, and ensure that it is displayed visibly on your dashboard.”
Parking patrols only monitor streets in the Warwick central business district, which have signage limiting parking times.
Residents who wish to park for longer are encouraged to use the council car parks in Acacia Avenue and behind the Warwick Town Hall, which allow all day parking.
“I appeal to residents to take a sensible approach to parking and think of the economic benefit to the whole community by making Warwick an easy place to park, shop and do business,” Cr Bellingham said.