Gina’s eyes on top job

Warwick resident Gina Doulis has plenty of agenda items she would like to address if she’s elected as Mayor in the upcoming Southern Downs Regional Council election.
Ms Doulis said activities to keep our youth active, tertiary education to retain our youth in the region, development and growth within the area, a one-stop sporting facility in Warwick, giving elected representatives more of a voice, smarter handling of rates, and dealing with the mining issue were on her high priority list.
“First of all, the rates situation, that has to be on top of my agenda,” she said.
“The Warwick rates are outrageous. They’re out of control and unjustifiably so.
“I think we’re the only council in Queensland where it’s not split into quarterly or half-yearly bills.”
Ms Doulis said councillors needed to be more visible and accessible.
“I don’t think the councillors have enough of a voice. If I had a problem I don’t know who to call,” she said.
“I would like to see councillors use their expertise. Why would you have someone in an area that they’re not familiar with?”
Ms Doulis said councillors should fight for their community regardless of whether it’s a local, state or federal issue.
“I’m morally opposed to coal seam gas mining. It seems to be a short-term benefit for long-term pain. However, I would rather the constituents vote on it,” she said.
Ms Doulis said she would also like to see development at Morgan Park so it became the facility for sports in Warwick.
She believed her experience in executive management, financial budgeting, business and customer service would be an asset to the Southern Downs Regional Council.

Story: Rebecca Brown