Celebrating the love of reading at Southern Downs libraries

Southern Downs libraries are inviting you to celebrate 2012’s National Year of Reading by joining in their ‘Love2Read’ programs, which are running all year.
In Southern Downs libraries, highlights of the ‘Love2read’ program will include a ‘Desert Island Books’ survey asking readers to nominate their five favourite books and why.
Local libraries will also run a writing competition, inviting all members of the community to put pen to paper to share their joy of reading.
“May to July will see a membership drive, including a monthly prize draw, to encourage those who have not yet discovered the fabulous free services we offer,” principal librarian Samantha Shelbourn said.
“April focuses on encouraging our readers up to eight years of age, September will include the popular Fathers’ Day event ‘Dads Read’ and in October the spotlight is on teenagers,” Ms Shelbourn said.
“Throughout the year there will be something for everyone so stay tuned,” she said.
The Year of Reading is a national initiative to celebrate the joy of reading throughout the country in 2012.
With actor William McInnes as patron and Queensland ambassadors including Anna Bligh, Kevin Rudd and authors Gary Crew and Nick Earls the aim is to promote reading, boost literacy and encourage creative writing.
It’s sure to be a great success with recent research showing that 84 per cent of Queenslanders gave reading and writing creative fiction as their most popular arts activity (More than bums on seats: Queenslanders and the arts, Arts Queensland & the Australia Council, 2010).
Southern Downs libraries are in Allora, Warwick and Stanthorpe.