Southern Downs Business group wants change

Local resident Sue Gordon is passionate about the Southern Downs Business Group and the upcoming Southern Downs Regional Council elections.
The group is hosting a forum this Saturday from 2pm to 4.30pm at Warwick Town Hall and Mrs Gordon is encouraging local residents to attend to find out more about our new councillors candidates.
She has been a business operator in the area for 45 years and knows all too well the importance of having the local council represent the needs of the region.
“I pioneered farm stay and eco tourism 43 years ago with my husband and have directly and indirectly been responsible for development of new businesses, investment in eco tourism and flow on benefits to existing business to the extent of millions of dollars,” Mrs Gordon said.
“Since amalgamation the Southern Downs Council has caused our business and many others huge problems including denial of existing rights prior to amalgamation,” she said.
“The council’s role is to encourage investment, growth and business – not to be obstructive to the point of businesses closing or going elsewhere as would appear to be the case now for many years. Is this what we want?
“The councillors’ role is to represent constituents – not to be controlled by bureaucrats. We are looking for a change, we are looking for councillors who will bring to the role something we need as we go forward – the old fashioned word was ‘guts’!
“Many businesses and mum and dad operators seem to have a common story with the past council and as a result came together last year in preparation to stand up for change and for real representation for their interests and business investments in the shire,” Mrs Gordon said.
“Many, many millions of dollars are represented in this group who formed last year and currently stand at 50 members,” she said.
“Local Government plays an extremely important role and increasingly so. The purpose of the forum is for the community to learn more about prospective new councillors -what they will bring to the table by way of experience, expertise and commitment to their constituents.
“This is your chance to find out more about those who have stood up for change. Over the past four years you know what the existing councillors who are standing have achieved and stand for. The decision is yours and it is an extremely important one,” Mrs Gordon said.