Warwick Toastmasters to hold Speechcraft Course

Warwick resident, Tony Brett, is one of the team of Toastmasters presiding over the Speechcraft Course run by Warwick Toastmasters.
If you are having trouble getting your message across when presenting for a job interview, chairing a meeting or speaking at a wedding or funeral, this could be your chance to learn how to conquer your nerves with the friendly support of people who understand.
The course runs over six weeks and starts next Tuesday, April 24.
Tony recently won the Tall Tales section of the speech competition held by the Warwick Toastmasters Club.
Winning speakers were selected to represent Warwick at the Toastmasters Area Competition, held in Stanthorpe on Sunday,
April 15.
Competing against speakers from Stanthorpe and two Toowoomba clubs, Tony did Warwick proud with a win in the Tall Tales section.
Warwick Toastmasters meet in the library on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7.30pm. Visitors are always