Election Day is fast approaching

With Local Government Election Day, April 28, fast approaching, Electoral Commissioner David Kerslake has reminded Queensland electors of the voting options available.
Thirty of the state’s local councils have opted to conduct their elections as full postal ballots. This includes the Southern Downs Regional Council.
“Electors in these councils should by now have received their postal ballots,” Mr Kerslake said.
“They have until 6pm on Saturday to fill out their ballot papers, and 10 days after that to return their votes for counting,” he said.
In the remainder of Queensland’s councils voting will take place at polling booths on Saturday.
Information and assistance is available through the Voters’ Helpline on 1300 881 665.

First past the post voting system explained

The First Past the Post (FPTP) voting system is used in all councils, which do not have internal divisions (‘undivided councils’).
When voting for the position of Mayor, each elector is required to mark the ballot paper (using a tick, a cross or the number 1) to indicate their preferred candidate.
The winning candidate is the one who receives the highest number of votes, even if their share is less than half of the total votes cast.
Where a multiple number of Councillor positions is to be filled, as in the case of the Southern Downs Regional Council, each elector is given as many votes as there are candidates to be elected.
Therefore, since there are eight Councillor positions on the Southern Downs Regional Council, the elector is required to put a tick or a cross alongside the names of their eight most preferred candidates.
The eight candidates who receive the most number of votes will be elected.