New council to continue on proposed tourism strategy

The current members of the Southern Downs Regional Council have decided, as a result of the forthcoming council elections, to delay the presentation of the draft and final Southern Downs Tourism Strategy by one month.
This will allow the draft and final strategy to be presented to the new council, post the elections.
TEAM Tourism’s consultants have agreed and believe that this is a very appropriate decision by the current council, as the new council will have the responsibility of approving the strategy and overseeing its implementation in the years to come.
In the meantime, TEAM’s consultants remain at work analysing the very substantial information gathered during the industry consultation process and preparing the draft strategy for presentation to the new council at the beginning of June and the final strategy at the start of July.
If any industry members have any additional contributions or comments to make, this is the final opportunity to have your say and please do so to John Alwyn-Jones at