Celebrate the hard work of mothers

Celebrating motherhood is this year’s theme for National Mothering Week, which runs from May 7-13.
The Australian Breastfeeding Association has been raising awareness of the importance of mothering through its celebrations since 1979.
“National Mothering Week is a wonderful opportunity to give thanks to mothers but it is also a great time to acknowledge the diversity, complexity, challenges and joys of mothering,” said Michelle Conkas of the Tenterfield-Granite Belt Group.
The Tenterfield-Granite Belt Group of Australian Breastfeeding Association is including a celebration at its next coffee morning on Thursday, May 10, at 9.30am at the Baptist Church Hall, corner of Hillcrest and Railway streets, Stanthorpe, to acknowledge the variety of mothers in our local community.
“While there are numerous parenting books and endless offers of advice, there is no mothering manual. Each mother creates her own unique mothering style, which is perfect for her and her children,” Ms Conkas said.
“The Australian Breastfeeding Association salutes each and every mother for the wonderful role they fulfill each day. We encourage all mothers to celebrate their mothering style.
“At Australian Breastfeeding Association local group get-togethers, all mothers are welcome; everyone’s experience is valuable and valid.
“We are mothers offering all mothers support, friendship and understanding. A trained, volunteer breastfeeding counsellor or educator is at all get-togethers and our groups are a wonderful way to meet new people, share experiences and to learn from each other,” Ms Conkas said.